I am Dr. Wendy Abbott, and I'm on a quest
to live to my fullest potential. I learned how to pursue my
dreams by watching my parents passionately pursue theirs. I
believe the most important thing a person can do is to fully realize
his or her potential. When I pass on from this life, I want to
meet my Maker and say, "That's the best I could do. I'm all used
up. I gave it everything I had and tried my best to finish
will live the rest of my life as if I am a great person. I will live
as if my dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen.
It doesn’t matter if I am ten years old or ninety years old, I can
still live as if I am great. Any age is the right age to work on my
dreams, and any place is the right place to make them come true. I
don’t know how much time I have left, but in whatever times remains, I
will live as if I am great. I will be all that I can be and do
all that I can do. I will find an area of excellence that I can
develop and give to the world. Planet earth will be a better place
because I became great in one area. I can never fail as long as I
develop the excellence that I have within. I will live the rest of my
life as if I am a great person |
I can make
a living or make a life. When I make a living I focus on survival.
When I make a life, I focus on my dreams. Seven principles help me
make a life: 1. I live as if I am a great person. I act as if my
dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen. 2. I think
and act my new life into existence. I think new thoughts and take new
actions that result in a new life. 3. I achieve excellence in at least
one area of my life. 4. I have zero tolerance to negative thinking. I
don’t tolerate it in any form or to any degree. 5. I accept no
limitations. I don’t place limits on worthwhile objectives until I do
my utmost to make them happen. 6. I never quit working on my dreams.
For as long as I am alive, I will work on my dreams. 7. I dare to call
God my Father and build my life on the foundation of his love. |
happens one thought at a time, either by default or by design. I
design my life and build my future thought by thought. Since every
destination starts as a thought, I focus thoughts that take me where I
want to go. If there is any secret to building my future, it’s that I
build it one thought at a time. Great lives are built on great
thoughts that become the blueprint for life. I make sure my thoughts
are positive, empowering, resourceful, and unlimited. Life is what
happens to you while you make other plans. The Life Long Disoriented
never make other plans, and so life just happens. Life doesn’t just
happen to me. I plan my work and work my plan. I build my future
thought by thought. |
thoughts are a disguised form of negation. They are a way that I say
no to life while pretending life is saying no to me. Limitations are
plausible self-deceptions. They are prefabricated excuses for every
failure to be what I want to be and to do what I want to do. No one
blames me for being held back by all of the limitations that I have
adopted. Limitations are a subtle form of negativity that is socially
acceptable. Inside my mind is a personalized collection of limiting
beliefs that tell me everything I cannot do. My limiting beliefs
create confusion, and it’s easy to attribute my limitations to my
world rather than to myself. There is no reason to place limits on any
worthwhile objective before I try to make it happen. Limiting beliefs
are a choice, and I choose to not have any. |
I have never seen any handicap
that made excellence impossible. Although excellence may be
difficult, it’s always possible in at least one area of my life. I can
work around my physical limitations using the power of my mind. Even
when my mind is trapped in a body full of limitations, it’s still free
to pursue excellence. As long as I am alive and have the ability to
think, excellence is within my grasp. The only absolute limit I will
ever face happens on the day I die. Until then, I won’t place limits
on worthwhile objectives before I try to make them happen. I will
live as if my dreams are possible. I will act as if I cannot fail. I
will achieve excellence in at least one area of my life. |
Realizing your potential is not for the
faint of heart. The good news is--everyone can do it because
everyone has been given all the tools necessary to achieve their
dreams! NEVER forsake those precious seeds planted deep inside
that define who you are. They were given to you for a reason.
They are God's gift to you. What you do with them is your gift
to Him and to the world. Make it an excellent gift!